Discover Marseille and Aix-en-Provence differently with True Tourism. Led by passionate local guides, explore hidden treasures, iconic neighborhoods, and must-see sites in the region. Experience an unforgettable and authentic adventure with True Tourism!
True Tourism is an innovative application dedicated to offering unique and authentic guided tour experiences in Aix-en-Provence and Marseille. Our concept is based on connecting visitors with passionate local tour guides who know their city inside out. Whether you want to explore historic alleys, discover hidden treasures, or taste local specialties, we have an authentic guided tour tailored to your desires. With True Tourism, discover and meet the local guide who shares your interests and will convey their passion to you!
The prices of our various guided tours are set by the guides themselves, giving them maximum autonomy. Different price ranges are available! Hours: 8 AM - 6 PM (last tour departures at 6 PM)
At True Tourism, we offer a variety of themed tours to satisfy all curiosities:
Alors, quelle est la visite qui vous ressemble le plus ?
Environmental protection and heritage preservation are at the heart of our concerns. Our tour guides raise visitors' awareness of local environmental issues, encouraging them to follow the rules and adopt responsible behaviors. During our guided tours in the Calanques, for example, we emphasize the importance of preserving these protected natural areas. By choosing to book a guided tour with True Tourism, you contribute to the preservation of our heritage and the promotion of sustainable and respectful tourism.
Nous faisons en sorte de limiter notre impact écologique, que ce soit sur les émissions de carbone ou sur les visites en elles-mêmes. Nous faisons en sorte de mettre en avant les bonnes pratiques, en limitant le nombre de personnes par groupe ou en ne proposant que des visites en mobilité douce par exemple.
Ici, notre objectif est clair, préserver notre patrimoine du tourisme de masse, qui a tendance à dégrader et à dévaloriser le patrimoine local à cause de ces grands flux de touristes mal gérés. L'objectif final est simple, préserver notre patrimoine pour que des touristes puissent découvrir les mêmes choses dans le même état de conservation, même dans 50 ou 100 ans.
Nous ne recherchons pas des CV, ni même des compétences particulières, ce que nous voulons, ce sont des personnalités uniques, avec des parcours de vie, des histoires et des expériences différentes. Chaque guide a son histoire et son parcours de vie, et c'est ce qui donne sa force et sa valeur à chacun des guides travaillant avec nous.
We strive to limit our ecological impact, whether on carbon emissions or the tours themselves. We promote best practices, such as limiting the number of people per group or offering only soft mobility tours.
Our goal is clear: to preserve our heritage from mass tourism, which tends to degrade and devalue local heritage due to poorly managed large tourist flows. The ultimate goal is simple: to preserve our heritage so that tourists can discover the same things in the same state of conservation, even in 50 or 100 years.
We do not look for resumes or specific skills; what we want are unique personalities with different life paths, stories, and experiences. Each guide has their own story and life journey, which gives strength and value to each guide working with us.
We are a team of passionate Marseillais, deeply in love with our city. At True Tourism, we firmly believe that the best way to discover Marseille and Aix-en-Provence is to do so with those who live there and know every nook and cranny. Our tour guides are locals, ready to share their anecdotes, secrets, and love for their region. We are proud to contribute to making our city shine and to allow each of our visitors to have an unforgettable authentic experience.
Le quartier du Camas, situé dans le 5ème arrondissement de Marseille, est souvent décrit comme un 'petit village dans la ville'. Son charme discret et son atmosphère conviviale attirent aussi bien les habitants que les visiteurs curieux de découvrir un autre visage de Marseille.
Mazargues, situé dans le 9ème arrondissement de Marseille, est un autre exemple de quartier qui a su préserver son identité de village tout en faisant partie intégrante de la ville. Ce secteur résidentiel paisible est apprécié pour son cadre de vie agréable et son riche patrimoine historique.
Le quartier de Noailles, situé en plein cœur de Marseille, est l'un des quartiers les plus emblématiques et cosmopolites de la ville. Connu pour sa diversité culturelle, son marché coloré et son histoire riche, Noailles offre un aperçu vibrant de la vie marseillaise.
Situé tout au sud de la ville, le quartier des Baumettes est connu pour deux choses: sa prison et sa proximité avec les calanques. Les deux sont justifiées, se balader dans ce quartier, c’est osciller entre les bas-reliefs représentant les péchés capitaux sur la façade de l’ancienne prison et les paysages des garrigues si chers à Marcel Pagnol.
The Camas neighborhood, located in the 5th arrondissement of Marseille, is often described as a 'small village in the city.' Its discreet charm and friendly atmosphere attract both residents and curious visitors looking to discover another side of Marseille.
Mazargues, located in the 9th arrondissement of Marseille, is another example of a neighborhood that has preserved its village identity while being an integral part of the city. This peaceful residential area is appreciated for its pleasant living environment and rich historical heritage.
The Noailles neighborhood, located in the heart of Marseille, is one of the city's most emblematic and cosmopolitan areas. Known for its cultural diversity, colorful market, and rich history, Noailles offers a vibrant glimpse of Marseille life.
Located at the southernmost part of the city, the Baumettes neighborhood is known for two things: its prison and its proximity to the Calanques. Both are justified; walking in this neighborhood means oscillating between the bas-reliefs representing the seven deadly sins on the facade of the old prison and the garrigue landscapes so dear to Marcel Pagnol.